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so when you're getting a recommendation letter it needs to be from an academic teacher so those are core subjects history science math social studies languages when you have a recommendation from a theater teacher director or band leader those are helpful but they're not what we're looking for in an academic required teacher recommendation I always encourage students to reach out to the teachers that know them best not the teachers that gave them the highest grade although those might be the same people but a teacher that knows you well is a great place to start oftentimes for teachers it's gonna be teachers in their most recent years their junior and/or senior year these teachers can usually include specific examples or anecdotes about their intellectual curiosity or their participation in the classroom and it's always wonderful if it's at all possible to get that full range so possibly one letter from a humanities teacher meaning English history language and so forth another from math science if possible that doesn't always work but it doesn't help to have two English teacher recommendations they tend to say the same type of thing regarding your writing and your involvement in class the week before school plan out on a calendar when you'll be asking your teachers and when you'll ask them to send their letter give them ample time I say almost a month you know talking to teachers about the things that you would like to for them to highlight is definitely a key component because as much as teachers are you know working as hard as they can they're often writing multiple recommendations and so it's easy either to forget or even to you know not highlight those things that you're overlooked those things that might make you know a very big difference in understanding an applicant what I recommend for students is when they go up to that teacher instead of handing them a resume which sort of lets them know you know here's my grades here's my maybe my GPA my SAT scores and all my activities at the school that's gonna be in other parts of the application teachers don't need to talk about that but we really want from what what admissions people really want from teachers is how is that student in that class so what I recommend for students to do is you know sit down with that teacher maybe maybe mention give them four or five bullet points if here's why I asked you here's where I really wanted you to write my letter of recommendation what are things that you want to make sure comes across that maybe you can't say or feel shy you know expressing in the personal statement or maybe in the additional information section we are going to be looking at these recommendations to again see how they're going to contribute to our campus and how they're going to contribute at the classroom specifically how they're going to get involved and then sometimes we can also pull on things like their resilience and their excitement and love of learning so those are all different things that we can gather from recommendations